Arena Hospitality Group is a public company listed on the Prime Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. It is owned by more than 4.000  shareholders among which PPHE Hotel Group has a majority of 52.87% (as of 31st December 2023). The Company is committed to maintain principles of good corporate governance and regulatory compliance.

The Company has a clear corporate structure which includes the following governing bodies: General Assembly, Supervisory Board led by Chairman with its corresponding delegate committees and the Management Board led by President of the Management Board. The specific governance authorities and responsibilities are regulated by the applicable Croatian legislation, Company's Articles of Association and Corporate Governance Code. The Company applies the Corporate Governance Code 2020 (the New Code) as adopted by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency and The Zagreb Stock Exchange (the ZSE) in October 2019 based on the “comply or explain” principle. The Company abides by this principle and, where relevant, provides reasons for non-compliance. The Company publishes its annual Corporate Governance Questionnaires (Compliance Questionnaire) in which provides the details on its application of the New Code within the deadlines specified in the relevant regulations.

Compliance questionaire for issuers of shares
Compliance questionaire for issuers of shares
Code of corporate governance questionare 2021
Code of Corporate Governance Questionnaire for 2020

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